Technical Rescue Certification Training For Beaverton, Oregon Search and Rescue, Fire Rescue & Swiftwater Rescue
Beaverton, Oregon’s trusted rescue certification training provider is
Crux Rescue

Call Us! (518) 400-2789
Beaverton, Oregon Areas Served (Not Exclusively)
Central Beaverton, Denney Whitford, Raleigh West, Five Oaks, Triple Creek, Greenway, Highland, Neighbors Southwest, Sexton Mountain, South Beaverton, Vose, West Beaverton, West Slope and more.
Rescue Certification Training Courses Available
- Tower Rescue For Tower Workers
- Technical Rope Technician Level
- Technical Rope Operations Level
- Swiftwater First Responder Operations Level
- Swiftwater Rescue Tech Unit 1 Technician Level
- Swiftwater Rescue Tech Advanced
- Wilderness Navigation Class
- Wilderness Survival
- Two Week Rope and Water Technician Intensive
- Rope Operations and Technician Combo Intensive
Matt Adams, of Crux Rescue, is a certified training course instructor who provides technical rescue training courses in Beaverton Oregon to swiftwater rescue teams, fire rescue response units, fire departments, county fire and rescue teams and search and rescue, SAR organizations. Matt is an accredited Rescue 3 International training instructor. The certification rescue training he instructs utilizes Rescue3’s rescue course curriculums. Those who desire expertly presented, professional rescue certification training are encouraged to call for information about class schedules or for information about scheduling a private course offering.
Washington County Search and Rescue Explorer Post 877 of Beaverton, Oregon
This post has an outstanding search & rescue program for incorporating the youth from the community into it’s ranks. The personal and professional standards of the members gives it a sterling reputation. Their skills and services are often requested by police agencies throughout Oregon. The Explorers comprise the primary ground Search and Rescue team for Washington County. Search and Rescue missions can include searches for lost people, downed aircraft and evidence in major crimes.
The unique characteristic about Washington County Search & Rescue is this recruiting of young people ages 14-19. No special skills are required to become an Explorer. Potential members simply have to meet the minimum requirements. Some of the minimum requirements include being 14-19 years old, possessing a positive community record, being in good physical health and the accumulation of a minimum GPA of 2.3 with no failing classes. With those minimums and a few others being met, they then must complete the the Search and Rescue Posts’s basic training academy and commit to being an active member for a minimum of two years.
The subsequent training these Explorers go through isn’t for the faint of heart. All new members attend the Sheriff’s Office Explorer Academy which puts them through extensive search and rescue training for a period of 12 days. Upon graduating from the academy, members train throughout the year during weekday evening meetings and during selected weekends. Search & Rescue training can take place in any weather. The Explorer program is a serious commitment for any individual, but it holds the promise of being personally rewarding on many levels.
The search and rescue academy training is physically and mentally demanding. Both the Academy and the ongoing training offers a wide range of training and learning opportunities. Knowledge and skills mastery can include land navigation (including GPS), man tracking, search techniques, rappelling and rope rescue techniques, wilderness survival, first aid and wilderness medicine, patient care and packaging, communications, helicopter safety and rescue, Incident Command System (ICS), traffic and crowd control, personal and professional ethics, self defense, firearms safety, patrol tactics, officer survival, traumatic incident stress and criminal law. As you can see, Explorer members learn skills that will serve both them and their community well and they are sure to last a lifetime.
Fire Departments in Beaverton, Oregon
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue (TVF & R)
Station 53 – SW Scholls Ferry Rd | Station 61 – SW Butner Road | Station 65 – SW 103rd Avenue | Station 66 – SW Brockman Rd | Station 67 – Farmington Rd
Beaverton is served by five fire stations.
Crux Rescue applauds the dedicated service of the Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue firefighters and the Washington County Search & Rescue (SAR) Explorer Post in Beaverton Oregon who serve the community. Beaverton should feel safe in the hands of their search and fire rescue personnel who serve with professionalism and bravery. We will proudly serve these fire and rescue professionals, providing rescue certification and recertification training courses.