Crux Rescue Calendar Event – November 2021
Rope Rescue Specialist RSS Advanced Training Course – Sisters Oregon November 11-14, 2021

Rope Rescue Specialist RRS Advanced Training – Course
Prerequisite: Technician Certification
Course Description: The Rope Rescue Specialist/Advanced (RRS) Course is for rope rescue team members who have completed a comprehensive basic training and want to continue to specialize. This training continues where the Rope Rescue Technician (RRT) course finishes. The RRS course examines advanced technical solutions. It elaborates on the use of multi-pods, monopod and A-frames, various configurations of steep, diagonal and horizontal spans, the use of multiple track lines in highline operations, industrial lead climbing, loads and forces, incident management and scenario training. This training is consistent with the NFPA 1006 and NFPA 2500 (Formerly NFPA 1670) standards for technician level.
Course Dates:
Rope Rescue Specialist/Advanced Course – November 11-14, 2021
Course Location: Suttle Lake, Oregon (Sisters, OR 97759)
Price: $975 (Includes Room & Board)
Lodging will be double occupancy rooms or cabins at a kids summer camp. Meals are served buffet style.
Discounts: We offer a $25 discount if you register on or before October 15th and an additional $50 discount if you pay at the same time through Venmo. If you will be paying with a check or credit card on the first day of class, the cost will be $975. See payment details at the Student Registration Form link, below.
Review our Skills Sheet – SKILLS SHEET