10 Week Rope Rescue Operator & Technician Combo Intensive – Course
This Operator and Technician Rope Combo meets once a week for 10 weeks and then meets for a one day practical final. By the end of the class you will not only be able to build anchor and rescue systems but you will also be able to identify and use dual track high lines as well as Dual Twin Tensioned Light Weight Systems.
This course meets NFPA 1006 and RQ3 International RRO / RRT Standards.
Rope Rescue Operations Level (DPSST CERT#18F022)
Rope Rescue Technician Level (DPSST CERT#18F023)
REMS Standard Of Rescue | This class meets or exceeds all the requirements for Rope Operations / Operator and Technician for Rapid Extraction Module (REM) Requirements in Region 6. These classes allow REMS teams to practice with equipment required in the minimum gear list provided by region 6 and FIRESCOPE standards. Since 2015 we have trained over 40 REMS teams to this industry recognized standard. As always, this class is only the first step in becoming a competent responder; practice, experience, and judgement are all needed after the completion of the course.
Meal and Tent camping plans are available for an additional fee. Please Call 518.400.2789 to learn more about these options.
Upcoming Dates
No 10 Week Rope Rescue Operator & Technician Combo Intensive classes have been scheduled for 2025.
Please check back here, or inquire with Crux Rescue via email at Answers@CruxRescue.com; or by phone, 518.400.2789, for potential future class dates.
Fill out and submit the registration form below. If the registration form below does not show on your phone or device, you can register for this course by clicking to the form here, Registration Form. Then simply fill out the form and submit.
Skills Sheet
No Skills Sheet is currently available or applicable.